Having obtained a degree in Applied Physics, I decided that I wished to pursue a career in Medical Physics. Initially I filled a temporary post in the Radiotherapy Department at the Churchill Hospital in Oxford. Shortly afterwards I managed to get a full-time job in the Medical Physics department at the North Middlesex Hospital in Edmonton, North London. My first post was a Basic Grade Physicist working in the Nuclear Medicine and Radiotherapy departments.
Over the next years I progressed to Senior then to Principal Physicist, but changed the emphasis to electronics, computing and telecommunications. I also became the laser safety officer for the district.
After 22 years, I left North Middlesex Hospital and worked in a company designing computer guided machinery – the company eventually became a multi-million-pound enterprise.
After 1 year, I decided to move back into the Health Service and became the switchboard manager at Kings College Hospital in Camberwell. Shortly afterwards, following a restructure within the department, I joined the IT group and was made responsible for the management of the Trust’s telephone network – a group of 6 telephone exchanges and approximately 4000 telephones.
Having reached the grand old age of 60, I decided to retire and move to Co. Durham, initially to the beautiful village of Whorlton, but I now reside in Mickleton. I joined in many community and church activities. For several years I was Chairman of the Whorlton Village Association; Church Warden at St. Mary’s Church, Barnard Castle and School Governor at Green Lanes School. Prior to the pandemic, I assisted in the training of CPR and use of defibrillators in both the community and local schools. I am currently vice chairman of the Mickleton Village Hall Association and also a member of the Board of Directors for the Teesdale Village Halls Consortium. I also work as a volunteer and am the Secretary to the Board of Trustees for the Teesdale Day Clubs.