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- The club shall be called “The Probus Club of Barnard Castle”
- Membership shall be open to fully or semi retired professional businessmen resident in Teesdale. Application for for membership shall be by invitation. Sponsoring members shall first hand in a duly completed form to the Secretary for the approval of the Committee. Members will be notified of the proposed member’s name and address. One month will be allowed for any objections in writing to the Committee who will have final decision.
- Constitution. There shall be a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary/Treasurer and Speaker Secretary. The affairs of the Club shall be managed by a committee consisting of the above officers plus the Immediate Past Chairman and three other officers elected at the AGM. Three members shall form a quorum. The committee shall have the power to co-opt additional members. All officers and committee members shall automatically retire from the office on completion of one year but may offer themselves for re-election. No officer or committee member shall be eligible to serve in the same office for more than three consecutive years. In exceptional circumstances however any officer or committee member, having competed a three year term, may be elected from year to year, subject each year to his willingness to serve, and there being a clear majority of members in favour of such re-election at the AGM.
- Meetings will be held on the third Thursday of each month. The form of the meeting shall be determined at the previous meeting. An annual general meeting shall be held each November at a time and place determined by the committee. At least four weeks notice of such a meeting will be given to all members.
- Subscription. The subscription will be decided at the November AGM and become payable at the December Club Meeting. Should a subscription not be paid by April of the current year it will be deemed that membership has terminated.
- Accounts. An income and expenditure account for the year ended 31st October shall be prepared and presented for approval at the AGM after being audited by one member.
- Politics & Religion. Discussion of these subjects shall be excluded from all proceedings of the club.
- Guests. Gentlemen may be invited by a member to any meeting of the club but no individual may be invited more than twice in any one year.
- Amendments. Changes to the Club rules may be submitted in writing to the Committee for approval at the AGM.
- Attendance. Members are expected to attend at least 50% of the monthly meetings.